The Distant Francophile Blog

445 posts

Travelling Stylishly

More Tips For Travelling Stylishly

Well, our countdown is finally over and I’m writing this post as we travel to Europe, and our first stop, Prague. I promised regular readers that I would let you know the outcomes of my packing decisions, which I’m pleased to report were super easy after I’d sat with my Step Four questions for a […]

Packing process

Packing For Paris – My Four Step Packing Process

Packing for Paris. Once upon a time, those words made me feel more than a little apprehensive. It’s such a stylish city, and it is easy to feel like you might muck it up. Thankfully, visiting Paris at least once a year for the past decade has removed my packing nerves. But I won’t pretend […]

Wardrobe Essentials

Style Lessons – My Top Six Wardrobe Essentials

When I was younger, I didn’t really understand wardrobe essentials. At all. Not even a little bit. I’d buy anything and everything (as long as it fit into one specific category – cheap) and wonder why I never had anything to wear. Despite having more clothes than my (relatively small) wardrobe could realistically hold. My […]

Parisian Perfumeries

Parisian Perfumeries – My Favourites And Top Tips

Not that long ago, I spent a very lovely amount of time dabbling around in my fragrance collection. We’re travelling again soon, and although I’m not in full packing mode yet, I’m certainly starting to think about the bits and pieces that will be joining me in France. (Side note: If packing is a chore […]

Effortless packing Travelling Light In France With Toiletries And Cosmetics

Effortless Packing – Travel In Style

  With snow falling recently on the normally balmy shores of the French Riviera, it is difficult to believe that spring is knocking loudly upon northern hemisphere doors. Spring is a magical time for travelling. The days are getting longer, the crowds aren’t the bother that they can be in summer and the parks and […]

French Style Jewellery

French Style – More Jewellery Tips

Since writing my mini-review of the book Mon guide de style, every now and then I’ve continued to flick through its pages for French style inspiration. A couple of images keep catching my eye. These particular pages feature the sparkliest of accessories – jewellery. Author Noriko’s work reminded me of the French woman’s love for […]

Parisian Style and French Footwear

Reflections On Parisian Style And French Footwear

Let’s wrap up what turned into a series of reviews with a couple of ‘mini reflections’, highlighting two of my favourite things – Parisian style and French footwear. First up, why don’t we take a look at my new favourite French Footwear brand – Arche? French Footwear – Arche In this post on The Essentials […]

Christophe Robin

Christophe Robin Hair Care – A Product Review

  It seems that February has turned into ‘Review Month’ here on Distant Francophile. I’ve been promising to share my thoughts on a few different bits and pieces for a while now, and I’ve finally found the space to gather – and articulate – my views. Way back in November I mentioned that, after using […]

Signature style Stylish Travel Essentials

How To Travel Stylishly – The Essentials – Part Three

So far in this ‘Stylish Travel Essentials’ series we’ve explored two of my ‘must pack’ items – comfortable shoes and the cross-body bag. This week, I’m keen to examine a group of items that can take your travel wardrobe to a whole new level – accessories. Now, many definitions of accessories include both shoes and […]

Cross-body bag

How To Travel Stylishly – The Essentials – Part Two

I won’t go so far as to say that that travelling stylishly takes work. In fact, I’d argue that it can be incredibly easy. But elegant, graceful travel does require a strategy or two. Last week we took a look at my first stylish travel essential – comfortable shoes. This week, it’s time to explore […]

Travel Stylishly

How To Travel Stylishly – The Essentials – Part One

If you are reading Distant Francophile regularly, there is a better than good chance that: a) You love to travel (especially to France); and b) You’d prefer to travel stylishly. So with those two points in mind, I thought we should start this year with a little series on the essentials that make it easier […]