The thing I love the most about creating Distant Francophile is all the fabulous francophiles I’ve met over the years. And one of my favourite fellow francophiles is the very fabulous Jo Karnaghan.
I first introduced you to Jo in episode two of The Franco-Files. Jo is the very clever founder of frugal first class travel. Jo’s website has long been one of my go-to sites when it comes to travel planning. From packing tips to hotel and airline reviews, Jo Karnaghan always provides excellent advice. And due to the fact that she’s been a committed francophile since she was a teenager, a whole lot of Jo’s advice centres around France.
And Jo just keeps coming up with new tools and tips to support her fellow travellers – this time in the form of The Ultimate Paris Address Book. Jo describes her latest creation as follows:
The Ultimate Paris Address Book is your insider address book to Paris with 90+ pages and 340 listings of places to sleep, eat, shop and see. Listed by arrondissement, and with a section at the back for your own special finds, The Ultimate Paris Address Book is the perfect accompaniment to a traditional guide book to plan your trip to Paris. From where to find a charming country lane in the middle of Paris to the latest hip eatery in a fashionable arrondissement.
Jo Karnaghan, author.
I’d describe Jo’s new book as an indispensable resource for anyone looking to visit France. And that description holds true for first time travellers as well as seasoned campaigners. Read on to find out more.
Title: ’The Ultimate Paris Address Book. Where to sleep, eat, shop & go in Paris’
Author: Jo Karnaghan.
Published: 2022 by Jo Karnaghan, Digital E-Book, 93 pages.
What I Liked:
- The amount of effort and research Jo has put into The Ultimate Paris Address Book. Paris is a large, cosmopolitan city. And the fact that this address covers all 20 arrondissements is an absolute credit to Jo. No matter where you find yourself in Paris, Jo has recommendations for eating, shopping and sight-seeing options. And she’s included accommodation options for almost all of the Parisian districts. There are even beauty recommendations. No matter where you find yourself in the French capital, Jo has a recommendation for you. And in almost all instances, Jo doesn’t simply share the address – she also lets you know why it’s worth your while to visit.
- The fact that Jo’s tips span all price points. Jo is known for providing insights on experiencing first-class style travel on a frugal budget. Here Jo includes something for everyone, regardless of travel style or budget.
- Jo’s recommendations for souvenirs. Paris is packed with souvenir stores, all of which seem to stock exactly the same items. Or versions of the same items. And while you might find something fun in these stores, you won’t necessarily find anything special. And that’s why I really appreciated all of the special souvenir call outs that Jo makes. From blown glass to printed linens you’re sure to find something that is a cut above the mass produced items that can be found on any street in Paris.
- The fact that Jo’s views align with so many of our own. Whenever I read a new French travel guide book, I like to play my own version of ‘bingo’. So many of the places Jo lists in the address book we’ve either visited, experienced or stayed in. And it was an added bonus that I agreed with Jo’s views on 100% of occasions. If there is such a thing as ‘double bingo’ I was winning.
- There are shopping streets listed at the end of the book. Sometimes as you wander the streets of Paris, you find yourself in an unknown or unexpected arrondissement. Jo has shared the ‘go-to’ shopping streets, so at least when someone asks you if you went to ‘rue so-and-so while you were in whichever arrondissement’ you’ll be able to answer ‘yes’.
- The guide is digital. So you can read it on your phone. Trust me, even if you travel with a physical guidebook, you won’t want to be lugging it around Paris all day.
What I Wasn’t So Sure About:
- Like all feedback, what I’m about to share next tells you way more about me than it does about The Ultimate Paris Address Book. But I have to confess I wasn’t at all sure about the amount of time and money I managed to part with while reading the book. It turns out that many of Jo’s French shopping recommendations ship internationally. I had a lovely time exploring – and buying a few of them – at the expense of my to-do list as well as my wallet. But, as I explained to Scotty, I’m sure I would used up more of both resources if we’d actually flown to France.
Now if this fabulous resource feels like the perfect companion for planning your next Parisian getaway then I have an absolute treat for you. Jo has generously offered Distant Francophile readers a 20% discount when you purchase The Ultimate Paris Address Book. Simply use the code paris20 when you checkout.
Have you read The Ultimate Paris Address Book? Did you enjoy clicking all the links as much as I did? And what resources do you love using when you plan your trips to Paris? Please let me know in the comments section below.
And until next time – au revoir.
While all opinions are my own, I’d like to thank Jo Karnaghan for sending me a copy of The Ultimate Paris Address Book.
Image credit: Jo Karnaghan, provided.
PS. Did you see that we’d launched our online fine art photography store? You can check it out here. And we’d love it if you’d join us for our celebration Zoom call on Sunday, March 20th, 2022 at 9.00am AEDT. Click here for your invitation.