For when France seems too far away. Shop for inspiring images of France and discover travel tips, packing advice, recipes, book reviews and more.
For when France seems too far away. Shop for inspiring images of France and discover travel tips, packing advice, recipes, book reviews and more.

Anticipating France

Anticipating France

I’m one of those lucky people who enjoys the lead up to a big event almost as much as the event itself.

I’ve been like it since I was a child. I adored the lead up to Christmas, and literally could not sleep on Christmas Eve because I was so excited. And you’ve got no idea how impatient I was…it was all I could do not to open presents under the tree (even presents that weren’t destined to be mine!).

Right now, I’m anticipating France. It’s around six weeks until we head back and I am starting to taste that delicious flavour of excitement.  My mind continually gravitates back to our coming trip  and every now and then I get butterflies in my tummy when I think of all the amazing things we will see, do and eat!

So what does ‘anticipating France’ look like for me? 

  1. An ongoing countdown. At least once a week, I’ll count the days to our next trip. I’m always excited when the time to the trip is shorter than I expect. Pretty soon I know I’ll find myself counting working days – and no, I don’t feel like I’m wishing my life away.
  2. I start seriously thinking about my packing list. And I start pulling the clothes that are definitely coming with me out of circulation. I either launder them myself, or take them to the professionals in readiness for the trip. Same goes for shoes – in a couple of weeks, my favourite boots are off to the cobbler for a pre-holiday overhaul.
  3. An increased interest in exchange rates. We’ll need euros at some point soon and I always like to think that I’ll get best possible rate. I rarely do. But I enjoy the thrill of the chase.
  4. My internet browsing becomes really, really focussed. I’ll write about it soon, but I’m a huge believer that a really fabulous trip is all in the planning. Yes, you need some room for spontaneity but without structure some French adventures can become a little bit aimless. At the moment, I’m purchasing train tickets, booking restaurants and pencilling in visits to sights and shops.
  5. I’ve already been to my doctor for a quick health check and to make sure all my prescriptions are up to date.
  6. I begin organising all of my paperwork (even if it is electronic) and I start thinking about which carry-on bag will be joining me on the trip. I also consider exactly what will be in that carry-on bag to make my flight more comfortable. Ditto for my toiletries bag – I’m already stockpiling my favourite products in mini-sizes. And I’m making sure I’m taking Claire’s recent advice.
  7. I’m thinking about what I’ll be reading and writing while I’m away. I’ve pre-ordered a couple of books (French themed, of course) and I have a list of topics for articles that I’m planning to write for MyFrenchLife™ .

Now, I know I’m not the only one who adores that sense of anticipation. I’d love for you to share what anticipating France means to you in the comments section below. 

Until next time – au revoir.

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