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For when France seems too far away. Shop for inspiring images of France and discover travel tips, packing advice, recipes, book reviews and more.

What Do You Need To Take Great Travel Pictures?


There’s an often repeated story of a photographer who goes to a friend’s house for dinner where the comment is made, “You take really good photos, you must have a really good camera”.  At the end of the meal, the photographer thanks the host for the meal with “Dinner was fantastic, you must have a really great oven”.

Regardless of how true this story is, the meaning behind it is fairly clear. Be it cooking or photography, a large amount of the finished product depends on the skill of the person involved, rather than the equipment used.

While I’m not suggesting that the fantastic images in high end magazines could be shot on an iPhone, it is certainly true that expensive camera gear doesn’t guarantee a great photo.

So what do you need to take great travel pictures? To answer that question, I’ve asked Scott to give us a few hints.

  1. An eye for composition. Your average photographer who cuts people’s heads off with a phone, or a point and shoot camera isn’t going to do any better with thousands of dollars worth of the latest digital SLR technology. Thinking about where your subject is placed in the shot goes along way toward determining the quality of the shot. Check out our article Seven Tips For Taking Great Travel Photos for some great tips on composing your photos.
  2. Good knowledge of your camera – even if your camera happens to be your phone. The confidence that comes with knowing how the different settings will affect the outcome of your photos will help you decide how to get the best image you can. And you won’t be left fumbling when a great photo opportunity pops up.
  3. Practice, practice, practice. As with any skill, practice is a key element. Being able to size up what looks good, and take the photo on the best settings will become second nature if you keep practicing. Even if you take three photos a day starting from tomorrow, in two weeks time you will be taking better photos- give it a try!

Do you have any secrets to getting a great shot? If you do, we’d love for you to share in the comments below.

Until next time – au revoir.

P.S. The photo of Tournon-sur-Rhône above was taken by Scott with Janelle’s little point and shoot camera.



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