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For when France seems too far away. Shop for inspiring images of France and discover travel tips, packing advice, recipes, book reviews and more.

A French Classic


A miracle occurred this week. In the scheme of miracles, I guess you’d have to say it was a (very) minor miracle, but I’m definitely calling it a miracle.

I can hear you asking – “What happened?”

Well, a dear friend and I managed to catch up to go shopping.

Now I can hear you musing  – “Big deal”.

But, you must understand that this never happens – not with our schedules. But, this week, I guess we were on what might be called a mission. You see, we were on the hunt for ballet flats, having come across some very reasonably priced `Pretty Ballerinas` in our neighbourhood.

We’ve both built up a decent collection of ballet flats over the years. These classic flat shoes provide a welcome change to the heels we wear all week.

But, of course, French women have known the power of the flat shoe forever, and have made ‘ballerines’ their own. And the classic French ballet flat style staple is Repetto.

I’ll never forget purchasing my first pair of Repetto ballet flats in Paris, many years ago. Red like Bardot`s, it was love at first sight.

Naturally though, the red pair weren’t the very first pair I saw. Repetto make  flats in every colour imaginable. The staff that day were so patient and so helpful, taking me through all the size, styles and colours until we found that perfect red pair. I have to say that I learnt so much that day. As a result, I have never had any trouble purchasing Repetto flats after such an excellent education.

The staff even took the time to point out the clever shoe boxes. They fold flat, making them very handy for travellers.

My fellow shoppers that day were also very cute! Only in Paris could you be joined in store by a perfectly behaved and perfectly groomed dog!

I still love those red flats and they always remind me of Paris (as well as make me smile) whenever I wear them!

Until next time – au revoir.

A big thank you to Daniel White for the Repetto store photographs.

Please note, no compensation has been received in relation to this post.


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